I'm back!

Well, that was a long time away wasn't it?
Nearly two years?
Yes. Well, I've been busy you see. Making this:
Joseph Thomas Lister Kendall

This is Joe and he is almost a year old now.
He is complete awesome and I can't believe I lived without him for so long, but thats another story. Some of which you can read on another blog (not mine) here.

This blog was supposed to be about my musings, and I will *try* and keep it to just that. I can't promise though, seeing as at least 80% of my week now revolves around keeping him happy, fed, warm, slept and generally not in A&E. He will probably drift in and out, like a fart under a duvet. Not that I am comparing him to a fart, oh dear, its not going well so far is it?

I am going to try and at least write every week, just so at least once a week I remember that I am still me, behind all the 'mum' stuff. I think it will do me good.

I expect I should think of something to write about now. Perhaps our completely terrifying foray into the WI Cheshire Show Group Craft Competition? (What were we thinking?)

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